Modify Exchange 2003 Quotas above the 2Gb GUI AD Users and Computers Limit

Modify Exchange 2003 Quotas above the 2Gb GUI AD Users and Computers Limit

  1. Login to DC with ADSI Edit installed

  2. Create an MMC and add the ADSI Edit snap in

  3. Connect to the domain

  4. Navigate through ADIS Edit GUI to find user

  5. Right click and choose "properties"

  6. Modify these values

MDBOverQuotaLimit (Prohibit Send at.... value)

MDBStorageQuota (Issue Warning at....value)


Set MDBOverQuotaLimit = "3000000" to set a 3.0Gb limit

Set MDBStorageQuota = "2800000" to set a 2.8Gb warning
