Windows 10 - Feature Upgrade using SCCM Servicing (13/06/2019 Updated)

Software Updates - Feature Upgrade - Windows 10

Software updates within an Enterprise organisation has been fairly straight forward until you attempt to use it for Feature Upgrades of Windows 10.  SCCM is very reliable at delivering the updates (Rollups, Updates, Upgrades) and as i have previously proved is UWF aware in Windows 10.
However, the Feature Upgrade does require a bit of prep work if you do not want the new Appx Applications installed as part of the Upgrade.

Moving between the 1507-1703 branches each Feature upgrade would reinstall the Appx Applications that you previously removed. Microsoft has addressed this in the 1703 - 1709 feature upgrade and if you removed an application it will not come back.  However, if the new branch has a new application this will get installed.

Uninstalled in-box apps no longer automatically reinstall
Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, in-box apps that were uninstalled by the user won't automatically reinstall as part of the feature update installation process.
Additionally, apps de-provisioned by admins on Windows 10, version 1703 machines will stay de-provisioned after future feature update installations. This will not apply to the update from Windows 10, version 1607 (or earlier) to version 1703.

 By using the SetupConfig.ini file for an OOBE after the Feature upgrade, you will be able to ensure unwanted Appx applications are not provisioned and made available to the user; in addition to any other post action script you need to run.

Location of the SetupConfig.ini
Before the Feature Upgrade is deployed/installed via Software Center the SetupConfig.ini must be created and place locally on the system. Place the SetupConfig.ini file in the WSUS directory below; the WSUS folder does not exist by default. The Feature upgrade via SCCM will look in the WSUS folder and read the SetupConfig.ini


Content of the SetupConfig.ini
In the ini file i have referenced the location of a file called "SetupComplete.cmd" that will be copied from this location to the hidden Feature Upgrade folder on the root of the C drive.  c:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd 


Within the Setupact.log you will see the /PostOOBE switch detailed with the contents of the SetupConfig.ini file appended to the Feature Upgrade Command Line used to run the Software update.

SCCM Software Update / Feature Upgrade Command Line 

[/PreDownload /Update /Quiet  /progressCLSID 71212340-ea4e-4e40-a0ee-a26312345baf /ReportId {A81239C5-8127-4352-1234-6CE01234531F}.200 "/ClientId" "fed1234-612d-40dd-123a-cd1234ee12d" "/CorrelationVector" "/oCGdL3nj012344.7.2"   /PostOOBE C:\ProgramData\OSConfig\setupcomplete.cmd]

Content of the SetupComplete.cmd
This command file calls several command lines for post Upgrade customization.

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\ProgramData\OSConfig\Start\Set-StartLayout.ps1
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\ProgramData\OSConfig\Background\Set-Background.ps1
MsiExec.exe /X {F14000BE-0001-6400-0000-074957833700} /qn

Here is the cool bit.  

The script below will create the SetupConfig.ini and SetupComplete.cmd files for you dynamically.  I use this in an SCCM Baseline to create and ensure they are upto date with my modifications.

In addition to the post custom scripts to set Background wallpapers and Start menu layouts I use the baseline to set 'Deprovisioned' regsitry keys so the Appx Applications are not provisioned for new users.

Example PowerShell command to create key. See Microsoft for additional details

New-Item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Deprovisioned\Microsoft.Messaging_8wekyb3d8bbwe' -Force

I have scripted the process to create the keys using the PackageFamilyName. Remember do not Deprovision SystemApps otherwise you may experience issues with Applications you do want to use i.e. Photos.  See Microsoft for the different categories .  Makes reference to this his blog (Thanks).

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